Nextcloud Docker Compose

01 Feb, 2023

For the longest time I was intimidated by Docker. I have been fairly familiar with virtual machines, linux environments, desktops; it's been my job for most of my career. Working in the terminal was not an issue, I really don't know what the issue was. Finally I decided to use some dedicated hardware to experiment with Docker more. Recently I built a minetest server, and that went well.

I've installed Nextcloud before and installed an operating system, Ubuntu Server, and all the required components: PHP, nginx/apache, mariaDB, Nextcloud. Did the configuration, and it worked well for quite a while. One day there was an update, so I went ahead and started in, and.... crash.... Nextcloud was stuck at step 5. I Googled the issue, did the suggestions, and nothing worked. It was lost... Luckily, I had setup my VM to have an OS drive and a data drive. This was setup initially when I setup the server. Glad I did!

So for the longest time, I left it alone. I knew if I the data, could attach it to another VM and get the data when needed. Why I wanted to start with Docker was the upgrading when the time comes. I could be wrong, we'll see, but, seems like we can just update the docker image and the dat volumes will remain. This would be a perfect case scenario. Time will tell on this.

I used a default template for the docker-compose.yml and was setup and running in no time! Then a problem... I could only connect via localhost and the hostname from that machine. Nextcloud does allow you to connect via IP address, or a trusted domain. There is a configuration file that has this as well. So I looked at my docker file and there was no local config location to update the config.php file locally and restart the container. I searched as well and there is a docker compose environment line you can add as well.


This didn't work either and upon further research, seems like this is only accepted on first creation of the container. So I didn't have anything saved yet, so deleted the container and volumes and recreated. Same problem. Then I remembered Nextcloud has a command line you can run for upgrades, and docker allows you to get to a shell prompt on your container. First I needed to connect to the container.

sudo docker exec -u 33 -it nextcloud-nextcloud-1 bash

This tells docker to launch a bash prompt from inside the nextcloud-nextcloud-1 volume as the user id 33. From here we are in the right directory to begin using the occ command. Once here I found the section that talks about the config and how to get and set the trusted domains.

# Running this will list the trusted domains nextcloud will trust
./occ config:system:get trusted_domains

Now is the time to add the new trusted domains to my instance. I wanted to add the fully qualified domain on my network and the IP address. This is what works for my case and how I connect to the server.

# The number is the spot in the array to add into the list.
./occ config:system:set trusted_domains 2 --value=nextcloud.local
./occ config:system:set trusted_domains 3 --value=

Like with any good thing to set a value, how do you remove one. You know incase you misspell something or don't need that anymore? Instead of set, we just need to delete.

# Where X is the according number from the relevant configuration
./occ config:system:delete trusted_domains X

So far I've been running Nextcloud with Docker for a few days and things are going great. I'll have to remember to do a write up on the update process when the time comes. Hopefully that is easier too. It's nice to finally use an updated version of Nextcloud again.

I'm publishing this as part of 100 Days To Offload. You can join in yourself by visiting

Tags: docker, selfhost, 100DaysToOffload


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