New Year's Resolution for 2023

28 Dec, 2022

What to expect with the New Year upon us? More posts!

Since Twitter has been bought by Elon Musk, many folks were concerned what the social giant would turn in to. Some left, other's stayed, and others moved to a decentralized social platform, Mastodon. I have been on for a little while now and find the activity I post about to get more tracktion and involvement from like folks, than I did on Twitter. You can find me as @cjerrington.

Anyways, from the folks that I have met, there are some that are posting with a purposed called 100 days to offload. The whole point of #100DaysToOffload is to challenge yourself to publish 100 posts on your personal blog in a year. There's nothing fancy about it, no real rules, just a challenge to post more about anything big or small.

You can follow along on my site, #100daystooffload, or others:

Lets get to posting this year!

I'm publishing this as part of 100 Days To Offload. You can join in yourself by visiting

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